
Offering of Generosity and Giving

In the teachings of the Buddha, the practice of giving claims a place of special eminence. One which the Buddha singles out as being the foundation and seed of spiritual development. For all who benefit from the Dharma and aspire to attain liberation for the benefit of all suffering beings, it is vital to understand how ‘pure offering’ and generosity are as important as all the Three Turnings of the Wheel of Dharma. In the Pali Suttas we read time and again that the “talk on giving” was invariably the first topic to be discussed by the Buddha in his “graduated exposition” of the Dharma.

Whenever the Buddha delivered a discourse to an audience of people who had not yet come to regard him as their teacher, he would start by emphasizing the value of giving. Only after his audience had come to appreciate this virtue would he introduce other aspects of his teaching, such as the Law of Karma, the benefits in renunciation and the compassionate path of the great Bodhisattvas who practice the Six Perfections.

Only after the value of pure offering and generosity had made an impact on the minds of his listeners would he expound to them that unique discovery of the Awakened, the Four Noble Truths. Over time the Buddha gave the core teaching of giving up attachment through meditating on the view of emptiness found in the Heart Sutra, and finally he revealed the teachings on Buddha Nature found in the Lotus Sutra.

He taught the Three Kinds of Generosity:

  1. Offering of material objects to support those in need,
  2. Offering of life and limb to protect the innocent, and
  3. The most profound Offering of the Dharma.

TTraditionally the teachings of the Buddha and the Dharma are supported by donations. Classes, empowerments, and the presence of the Sangha and teacher are dependent upon the alms provided by the community and those seeking.

All our practices and ceremonies are for all beings, yet you can request prayers by either sponsoring the entire or partial support of a ceremony on auspicious days. We dedicate the merit for all sentient beings’ enlightenment in general, and in particular for you and your loved ones.


Below is the Suggested Donation Schedule for 2024:
Basic donations are as follows and are due at the beginning of each month or before the start of a class or activity.

  • $10 per month. Membership in the sangha, email notifications, and invitations to tsoks and special events
  • $35 per month. All of the above, plus access to one weekly class* of your choice.
  • $65 per month. All of the above, plus access to two weekly classes* of your choice.
  • $85 per month. All of the above, plus access to all three weekly classes*.
  • $100 per month. Benefactor.
  • $200 per month. Patron.

* Some prerequisites may apply and require the permission of the lama.

These are the suggested monthly donations at Lhundrup Choling. Please contact us if you are unable to accommodate these levels. Donations above the minimum are sincerely appreciated and will go a long way in ensuring that Lhundrup Choling will continue to exist in the Los Angeles area as a place to study and practice the profound teachings of the Buddha, and especially those teachings of the Ancient Nyingma School of Tibet.

Donations can be mailed by check or cash to the center. You may also use the donation Paypal buttons below.

Regardless of how you donate please email us at to ensure that your donation is recorded, and that you receive the necessary permissions to access the live broadcasts and archived recordings.

Weekly Classes; Links to the classes are sent to those whose membership is active.

For further information please contact Eugene at

* Some prerequisites may apply and require the permission of the lama.